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digital technology integration

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28 April 2023 11:02:27

digital technology integration
        April 27, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the Office  of General Education and Electronic Learning Innovation. Teaching and learning for the course GEN0304 Digital Literacy (e-Learning) was honored by Ajarn Cattleya Chanda, the instructor, said that The era of digital innovation and technology, high-tech equipment, AI, or will be various Smart Devices competing to be produced and updated all the time. It can be seen that there are changes in new innovations. come out all the time By using digital technology to develop and create prosperity in the economy, society, public health, education, etc., which in accessing and using The benefits of digital technology are the foundation of economic leapfrog development. In addition, it increases competitiveness and concurrently advances the innovation of digital technology. affecting the change in the structure process model in terms of economic and social activities by realizing the importance of digital technology to the development of the country

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