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Consciousness and Attitude towards the Global Community

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20 May 2023 11:50:17

Consciousness and Attitude towards the Global Community
        Consciousness and attitude towards the world community, May 16, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the Office of General Education and Electronic Learning Innovation. Implemented the teaching and learning course GEN0103 Thai Society in a Global Context (e-Learning). Assistant Professor Dr. Barameeboon Saengchan, the lecturer presented to When the consciousness and attitude towards the global community has become the foundation of the world's population. The next step is to create a positive attitude to see the benefits of protecting the environment. open minded Beginning to realize that the ecology is necessary and that human beings should work together to protect the environment. Today, this awareness is gradually expanding as the public becomes more aware of the enormous impact humans have on the environment.

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