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Gen Ed SSRU Attends Training on the Use of the Digital Learning Platform

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25 十二月 2024 14:45:29

Gen Ed SSRU Attends Training on the Use of the Digital Learning Platform

On Monday, December 23, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at Computer Lab 3122, 2nd Floor, Building 31, Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology, Dr. Pimploy Teerasatittham, Director of the Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology, presided over the training session on the use of the Digital Learning Platform for academic support personnel. Participants included Ms. Pattiya Traiteephung, Computer Scientist (Senior Professional Level), Mr. Natthawut Thonkhum, Computer Scientist, and Mr. Rattanakul Kongpha, Academic Officer. The objective of the training was to equip attendees with knowledge to enhance the management of teaching and learning for general education courses.